Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Last Samurai (2)

As I catch the ending battle of the Last Samurai once again, I can't help but contemplate that the battle that still exists today, and which will be our battle as people of the world again one day is whether or not we will win the battle within to return to not battle with anything but honorable weapons, or even succeed in the inner battle to the degree that peace will once again live and reign in the world because the last battle was done with honor.

I doubt greatly that the Kingdom can come on Earth as is it in Heaven until as a people of the world we can collectively come to this place together in such a way that this is communicated even across the lines of battle before they even begin, and as nations we need to act honorable, to bring honor to ourselves, and those whose ideology is diametrically different from own own. (more on this in the book)

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